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BTC Markets is a large cryptocurrency exchange based in Melbourne,Australia. BTC Markets accepts Australian dollars, Litecoin, and Bitcoin in exchange for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, and Ripple. BTC Markets uses various security measures, including know your customer procedures and two-factor authentication.
Unlike most other countries, Australia recognizes bitcoin as money, and so does not tax bitcoin purchase or sale.

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PotCoin (code: POT) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency which exists with the aim of becoming the standard form of payment for the legalized cannabis industry. PotCoin is an open source software project released under the MIT/X11 license and was technically nearly identical to Litecoin until August 23, 2015, when Potcoin changed to POSV similar to Reddcoin. PotCoin is not managed by any central authority and provides a decentralised solution for the transfer of value. As of August 2014, PotCoin has received mainstream media coverage from agencies such as Fox Business, Vice, and TechCrunch.

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Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the unknown person or people who designed bitcoin and created its original reference implementation. As part of the implementation, they also devised the first blockchain database. In the process they were the first to solve the double-spending problem for digital currency. They were active in the development of bitcoin up until December 2010.

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This is a list of cryptocurrencies. The number of cryptocurrencies available over the internet as of 27 November 2017 is over 1324 and growing. A new cryptocurrency can be created at any time. By market capitalization, Bitcoin is currently (2017-08-19) the largest blockchain network, followed by Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple and Litecoin.

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“Don’t Pay Me Until You Make Money”

If you’ve been in marketing for awhile, and you cater to the online marketing crowd, then you’ve gotten an email from a subscriber that looks like this:

“Your program looks great, and I would like to try it. But I can’t afford it. Since you say it will allow me to make $3,000 over the next 90 days, I have a proposal. You give me the program for free, and once I make $3,000, I’ll send you the cost of the program.”

Don’t Pay Me Until You Make Money

You’ve gotten that email, too, right? I think we all have.

Which got me to thinking…

What if you set up a squeeze page that has an offer like this: “30 day course on how to start your business and earn $X money in 30 days. Pay nothing now, and simply send me $100 when you’ve earned your first $1,000.”

Do you think you would get some subscribers? Of course. This isn’t your typical offer at all, and people will recognize this.

So, you get your subscribers and every day they get another email from you with another step in how to build their business.

For the content, I recommend getting one of those big PLR courses with 30 steps or 40 modules or whatever number of lessons that teach how to build an online business. The number of steps will determine the number of days your course runs.

Each day you email out a link to the next step / course / module.

Pretty soon your new subscribers will realize that this is a lot of work, and they’ll be wishing for a shortcut.

~~cough cough~~

And you give it to them, of course.

This is a much sexier course, such as how to earn $5,000 in the next 20 days by working one hour per day, or whatever.

You place the link in each email and on each daily page of the course.

And you will make sales.

Now then, if you’ve been paying attention, then you realize this is simply a variation of a very tried and true method:

Teach them step-by-step how to do something, then offer them an easier or faster way to get the same or better result.

You start out teaching, but when things get too hard or time-consuming, you come to the rescue with a shortcut.

People love shortcuts, and they gladly buy them every day of the week.

This is just another way to frame it, and you can use this method in other niches as well.

“Pay nothing until you find your dream spouse.”

“Pay nothing until you find the home of your dreams.”

Pay nothing until your investments earn you at least $x money.”

“Pay nothing until you land your dream job.”

And so forth.

It’s all in the positioning. And because this method hasn’t been done to death, I guarantee it will afford you plenty of traction and a good amount of sales, too.

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SolarCoin (**§** ; **SLR**) is a cryptocurrency launched in January 2014 and implemented to incentivize global solar electricity generation.
The supply of SolarCoin is designed to last 40 years delivering incentives for generating 97,500 TWh of solar electricity.
SolarCoin is backed by two forms of proof of work. One is the traditional cryptographic proof of work associated with digital currency. The other proof of work is a 3rd party verified meter reading representing 1 MWh of generated solar electricity. SolarCoin is equitably distributed using both of these proofs of work as a means to reward solar electricity production.
SolarCoin can be claimed by individuals living in homes with Solar Energy panels on their roof or large solar electricity farms (leased or financed).

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BTC-e was a digital currency trading platform and exchange. It was founded in July 2011 and as of February 2015 handled around 3% of all Bitcoin exchange volume. Until the 25th of July 2017, it allowed trading between the U. S. dollar, Russian ruble and euro currencies, and the bitcoin, litecoin, namecoin, novacoin, peercoin, dash and ethereum cryptocurrencies.
It has been a component of the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index since the index started in September 2013.
BTC-e is operated by ALWAYS EFFICIENT LLP, which is registered in London and is listed as having 2 officers: Sandra Gina Esparon and Evaline Sophie Joubert and two people with significant control: Alexander Buyanov and Andrii Shvets.
The US Justice Dept attempted to close down BTC-e on the 26th of July 2017 when they charged Alexander Vinnik and BTC-e in a 21-count indictment for operating an alleged international money laundering scheme and allegedly laundering funds from the hack of Mt. Gox.

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Bitstamp is a bitcoin exchange based in Luxembourg. It allows trading between USD currency and bitcoin cryptocurrency. It allows USD, EUR, bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, or Ripple deposits and withdrawals.
The company was founded as a European-focused alternative to then-dominant bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox. While the company trades in US dollars, it allows money to be deposited through the European Union’s Single Euro Payments Area, a convenient way of transferring money between European bank accounts.
Bitstamp offers an API to allow clients to use custom software to access and control their accounts.

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Coinbase is an electronic forex headquartered in SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, California. They broker exchanges of Bitcoin (?), Ethereum (?), Litecoin (?) and other digital property with fiat currencies in 32 countries, and bitcoin orders and storage space in 190 countries worldwide.

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bitcoin stock price

Coinbase is a digital currency exchange headquartered in San Francisco, California. They broker exchanges of Bitcoin (₿), Ethereum (Ξ), Litecoin (Ł) and other digital assets with fiat currencies in 32 countries, and bitcoin transactions and storage in 190 countries worldwide.

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